Brain functioning tips: 4 ways to work through your emotions


It is very important to identify and address emotions in order to maintain our emotional and mental wellbeing. "One of the best ways to work through our emotions is by acknowledging them and identifying the thought process that led to these feelings. Journaling is a great way to do this, but you can also talk to someone you trust. If you bring awareness to how you are feeling and what you are thinking, you are better able to track your emotions and notice the triggers/warning signs. I find putting down my problems on paper often helps me identify the cause and find a solution more clearly," wrote Therapist Nawal Mustafa.

Brain functioning tips: 4 ways to work through your emotions(Unsplash)
Brain functioning tips: 4 ways to work through your emotions(Unsplash)

Here are four ways to work through our emotions:

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Name the emotion: The first step is to identify and name the emotion that we are feeling. This will give us a lot of clarity about the situations that have led to this, and how we can respond to the emotion without taking any rapid or instant action that we may regret later.

Identify the cause: Once we know the emotion we are facing, we should be able to identify the cause that led to this emotion. Delving deeper and searching for situations that have led to the origin of this emotion can help us to understand ourselves and our experiences better.

Identify behaviour and thoughts: Once the emotion and the origin of it is established, the next step is to pay close attention to the behavioural patterns and the thoughts that are influenced by the emotion. This will create more self-awareness and let us know what we are feeling and thinking.

Challenge the emotion: The last step is to challenge the emotion and try to understand if we should feel what we are feeling. Once we learn to challenge negative emotions and thoughts, we can address our feelings accordingly.